Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Building update!

We have sorted through all the pledge forms and for those of you interested in donating money we felt it would be good to let you know what our current needs are for the renovating and fixing of the crèche. Thank you to those of you who have already donated money, that money has been put into the Synergy account and will be used towards the following needs:

- Brandering R454 (+VAT)
- Ceiling R1458 (+VAT)
- Thinkpink (insulation) R200
- Boxes for storage R700 (+VAT)
- Contractors paint R500 (+VAT)
- Units R1260 (+VAT)
- Sink R450 (+VAT)
- Welding R500
- Fencing R1300 a roll (50m)
- Gate (small) R460

As you can see all added up there is quite a large amount of money needed, however any contribution (whether large or small) goes a very long way and will be greatly appreciated by both the team and Vivian.

1 comment:

RoG said...

Wow. This is really exciting! Looking forward to seeing it completed!